Friday, October 03, 2008

We Have a New Website!

As much as I love to update our blog, I really don't like blogger. I have lots of problems uploading photos and many times my posts get deleted. So, I have created a new "blog". If you have a link to this blog, please change it to

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Highlights of our Summer

I have been really bad at posting on our blog this summer. I am home this week with strep, so I figured now would be a good time to do something useful instead of lying in my bed feeling miserable. We have had a relaxing summer. We have spent lots of time at the pool and the park. We went to Arizona to spend time with family and celebrate Connor's baptism. I am so glad Utah is not as hot as Arizona!

My nephew's baptism in Arizona!

The coolest outdoor restaurant-San Tan Flat.

Jeff and I at the Provo Parade on the 4th of July.

Sara loves the pool! She just loves to chill in her floaty.

Mohawk Baby. Sara's hair is getting so long!

Sporting her 4th of July gear.

Having a blast with the Rockband drums.
(Could she be anymore like her daddy?)

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

High School Musical 3 Meets Jeff

After a few months of never seeing my husband, Jeff finally finished working on High School Musical 3. He had such a blast working with the crew and the cast, but didn't get more than a few hours of sleep each night. Sara and I were able to visit the set a few times and meet the cast members. Sara was much more interested in all the food than any of the famous people. She practically dove out of my arms to get a hold of Zac Efron's snack bowl. She obviously isn't star struck yet. I am excited to see the movie when it hits theaters in October. I can't wait to see Jeff's name in the credits---his first big screen appearance!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Escaping the Heat

Sara enjoyed playing in the baby pool with her friend, Cassidy. Even though the water was straight from the hose and FREEZING, Sara had a blast. She made big splashes and thoroughly inspected every toy. Once she started drinking the water, I knew it was time to get out.

New Space to Play

While we were getting ready to move, Sara found many new places to play. She figured out the cabinets in the entertainment center were empty and would put some of her toys inside. When I realized she was small enough to fit inside too, I "encouraged" her to get in. I couldn't believe she was comfortable enough to even pose for some pictures. Once my phone rang, she was out of there!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Sara's First Birthday!

Sara definitely knew she was the star of the show at her princess birthday party. She paraded around in her pink tutu and showed off her walking skills. She even blew out her birthday candle (we practiced for two days). We were so happy to share this special day with so many friends and family. We truly appreciate everyone that helped make this day so wonderful for Sara.

Thursday, May 08, 2008


Sara decided that she wants to walk now. On April 29th I set Sara down on the floor and she walked about 20 steps to her toy box. She has been walking ever since. She has already learned to stand right back up without any help after she loses her balance. Although I have realized that we have much more child-proofing to do, it is so useful to have her walking. I can't believe my little baby is now a big girl who can walk all by herself!

Walking toward her mommy!

She got me!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Welcome Baby Raaska

We were so excited to visit the newest member of the Raaska family, little Michael. He is so adorable. Paul and Andrea definitely know how to make a cute kid!